LifePro Blog

All of the latest and breaking life insurance and annuity news for the independent financial professional. Includes marketing ideas, training events, industry reports, sales ideas and much more.

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LifePro Hosts 5th Annual Bill Zimmerman ALS Golf Classic

This past Saturday, September 17th, 2022, LifePro held our 5th Annual Bill Zimmerman ALS Golf Classic at the Rancho Bernardo Inn in Rancho Bernardo, California.

With the support of 90 golfers, 20 sponsors and donors, and the entire LifePro team, the event raised over $17,000 for the ALS Association Greater San Diego Chapter and the UCSD Foundation ALS Clinic.

We are so thankful to everyone who showed up, whether you sponsored a hole or teed off to compete for the tournament win. It was thanks to you that we were able to continue our high level of support to our local ALS organizations.

The work these groups do for people living with ALS and their families is unmatched. Thanks to their combined efforts, those in need have access to services and support for both themselves and their extended families.

Additionally, these programs fund and provide clinical research for treatments to help us get one step closer to finding a cure for this unforgiving disease.

LifePro hopes to continue this traditional event for years to come to honor our late founder, Bill Zimmerman, and to empower those affected by ALS to live life to the fullest and help find a cure for others in the future.

If you, or anybody that you know, would still like to donate to these worthy causes, please visit ALS Association Greater San Diego Chapter or UCSD Foundation ALS Clinic and make mention of Bill Zimmerman.

Additionally, our silent auction from the event is still open until Friday, September 23rd at 5:00 pm (PST), with all the proceeds donated to the ALS Association Greater San Diego Chapter and the UCSD Foundation ALS Clinic.

Stay tuned for details on the 6th Annual Bill Zimmerman ALS Golf Classic coming Fall 2023!

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Episode #255: IUL: The Swiss Army Knife of Retirement Planning


The most common misconception about life insurance is that it can only be beneficial at the time of the policyholder’s death. However, there are permanent life insurance policies such as indexed universal life insurance that focus on building cash value that can be used long before an individual passes away.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Adam unpacks frequently overlooked tools within cash-value life insurance policies and how they can be utilized during the policyholder’s lifetime.

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Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

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Episode #254: Is the Bucket Withdrawal Strategy Right for You?


Reaching retirement can be an exciting experience where you are traveling the world, dining extravagantly, and meeting new people…what could go wrong? Out of nowhere, stock market setbacks could wipe out large portions of your retirement savings, changing your feelings of bliss into worry over whether or not your retirement nest egg will last your lifetime.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Kyle dives into what the bucket withdrawal retirement strategy is and how it may help protect your retirement plan from market turmoil.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

Have any questions? Give us a call at 888-LIFEPRO or email us at

Want to learn more about how we can help with your unique financial situation? Fill in your contact information below, and we'll get started right away!

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Episode #253: The 2022 College Planning Season Has Begun


This post is intended for financial professional use only.

College planning season is officially in full swing, which means it is time for advisors to focus on marketing live events and webinars to get new business into the pipeline. While the season has just begun, it is important to know what strategies are working right now and what mistakes to avoid so advisors make the most out of the next few months.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Gabe breaks down current trends in college planning events and appointments and reminds advisors what their goals should be going into 2023.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

Have any questions? Give us a call at 888-LIFEPRO or email us at

Want to learn more about how we can help with your unique financial situation? Fill in your contact information below, and we'll get started right away!

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Episode #252: Is Your Retirement Plan Government Sponsored or Privately Funded?


When planning for retirement, individuals may have many questions; how much can they contribute to their retirement plan? At what rate will they be taxed when they start taking money out? Whether they elect to fund a 401(k) through their employer or buy a life insurance policy specifically designed for retirement income, there are many pros and cons to consider.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Sal compares two retirement plans, one through the government and one through a life insurance carrier, and explains the benefits and shortfalls between the two.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

Have any questions? Give us a call at 888-LIFEPRO or email us at

Want to learn more about how we can help with your unique financial situation? Fill in your contact information below, and we'll get started right away!

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Get Ready For College Planning Season 2022

Get Ready For College Planning Season 2022

Gabe Lindemann Highlighted in Broker World Magazine

The month of August kicks off one of the best times in our industry: College planning season. Traditionally, college planning season runs from the beginning of August until the week of Thanksgiving. Due to the pandemic, the past two college planning seasons have been good but not great.

This year, however, is shaping up to be an extraordinary year in college planning because, for the most part, colleges and universities are wrapping up summer vacation and finally getting back to a new sense of normalcy. Most college classes have transitioned back to in-person learning versus online Zoom sessions, with thousands of college-bound students across the country heading back to school in numbers we haven’t seen since before the pandemic.

Colleges are now accepting more students than they were in the previous two years. More importantly college sports are back and students across the country will soon be filling up football stadiums, which is something great to look forward to.

I help families navigate one of their most expensive and important investments: Their children’s future success. While talking to families with children who are headed to college soon, the most common feedback I hear is that their students are excited to attend classes on campus again and get a taste of the in-person college experience. However, the thought of paying for their college on top of everything else they have going on is just too overwhelming, and many people will be looking for financial advice from a trusted expert.

Our knowledge of the insurance planning industry is unique and can provide financial advice that a high school counselor or accountant simply cannot. I hope this gets you just as excited as I am as this is going to be a record-breaking college planning season…if it’s done correctly.

Implementing college planning services correctly is key if you want to also grow your business and insurance production at the same time.

I am always surprised when I meet an advisor who claims to be a college planner. While they’re explaining their process to me, they usually start by saying that they’re hosting an in-person educational workshop or dinner seminar that promotes college planning.

In reality, the focus of many of these kinds of events are based on how to fill out a FAFSA form correctly and sheltering assets to hopefully lower the family’s EFC in hopes of getting some sort of financial aid award.

To view the full article, please click here: View Article in Broker World Magazine »

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Episode #251: Is the 60/40 Portfolio Dead?... Introducing the New 60/20/20


In 1952, a Nobel Peace prize was awarded to Harry Markowitz, thanks to his mathematical portfolio construction that provided and maximized risk-based returns. He designed this using non-correlated diversified assets in a portfolio, basically 60% in stocks and 40% in bonds. But the question is, how does this portfolio perform in the current economic environment in 2022?

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Brian illustrates a new portfolio design to further diversify retirement plans and mitigate risks like market volatility and running out of money.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

Have any questions? Give us a call at 888-LIFEPRO or email us at

Want to learn more about how we can help with your unique financial situation? Fill in your contact information below, and we'll get started right away!

Advisory Services offered through LifePro Asset Management, LLC. The information presented here is not specific to any individual's personal circumstances. These materials are provided for general information and educational purposes based upon publicly available information from sources believed to be reliable—we cannot assure the accuracy or completeness of these materials.
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Episode #250: 5 Steps to Building a Credible LinkedIn Profile


This post is intended for financial professional use only.

Nowadays, when customers are shopping for a new product in store, the first thing they do is Google the brand and product to see what shows up. It is no different from a prospect Googling a financial advisor’s name before deciding to meet with them for the first time. This first online impression can be crucial to an advisor's success, so how can we utilize social media platforms like LinkedIn to our advantage?

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Parker breaks down 5 easy steps one can take to set up their LinkedIn profile to make a great first impression online.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

Have any questions? Give us a call at 888-LIFEPRO or email us at

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Episode #249: How to Speed Up the Premium Finance Process


Premium finance can offer huge benefits to high-net-worth individuals looking to utilize financing to increase the size of their life insurance policy; the only drawback is that the approval process becomes more complicated. While it may seem daunting to work with both the life insurance carrier and the bank, having a clear idea of what steps you need to take will give you peace of mind during this process.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Luke unpacks the 4-step timeline of purchasing a premium finance case and the strategies you can use to speed up this process.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

Have any questions? Give us a call at 888-LIFEPRO or email us at

Want to learn more about how we can help with your unique financial situation? Fill in your contact information below, and we'll get started right away!

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Episode #248: 3 Steps to Protect, Save, and Grow Your Retirement Portfolio


When individuals begin to approach retirement, they can take two different perspectives: some feel like they are winning the lottery while others view it as a death sentence. Truthfully, everyone should think of retirement like they are building their dream home: start with a goal, build a blueprint to reach it, and account for any risks along the way.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Laurence brings light to the three steps individuals can take to protect, save, and grow their retirement portfolio as if they are building their dream home.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

Have any questions? Give us a call at 888-LIFEPRO or email us at

Want to learn more about how we can help with your unique financial situation? Fill in your contact information below, and we'll get started right away!