LifePro Blog

All of the latest and breaking life insurance and annuity news for the independent financial professional. Includes marketing ideas, training events, industry reports, sales ideas and much more.

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Episode #303: 3 Reasons to Build Your Company's Vision


This post is intended for financial professional use only.

One of the biggest takeaways from our recent LifePro Elite Chairman’s Club Conference is that a well-articulated vision can revolutionize the perception of your business to clients while keeping your priorities in focus. LifePro’s top advisors shared that they dedicate meaningful attention to setting the intentions and goals of their companies because it communicates and reflects their desired client experience and impact.

Crafting this vision is truly a best practice for any company or business, which is why many leading industry giants have meaningful mission statements. Discover how purpose can inspire brand loyalty and attract your ideal clients while also becoming a guiding star toward the unprecedented success of a company. In this episode of Money Script Monday, Jaime delves into the importance of establishing your company's vision with a compelling mission statement to fulfill your ultimate potential.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

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Digital Distribution Of Premium Finance Life Insurance

Don't Buy (Or Offer) an IUL Until You Read This

Adam Reyna Highlighted in Broker World Magazine

Please take a few minutes to go on a quick journey with me. I want you to think back to the first vehicle you owned. For many, that was one of the best times of their life. You were a young 16-year-old with the whole world in front of you. Times were simple. Even though your first vehicle was a gas-guzzling stick shift with windows you had to roll down by hand, and the glove box only opened when you smacked it just right, you loved that car. That car was the best thing to happen to you.

Back then, we did not know what future technology our world had in store for us. We were just happy to be on four wheels.

Fast forward to today.

Now you are behind the wheel of your brand new, top-of-the-line electric car that looks like a spaceship, is charged by your solar-powered home, everything functions on voice command, and drives itself to work. At sixteen, you would have done anything for a spaceship like this. We had no idea what technology had in store back then, but we kept evolving along with it, and by doing so, those new technologies have greatly improved our lives.

What if your insurance business was your vehicle? Are you still cranking your windows down like when you were sixteen without AC, or are you rolling around in an advanced car that takes the work out of driving and makes your life easier? If it has been a while since you looked around to see what is on the market, it might be time to schedule a test drive and see what you are missing out on.

With a unique proprietary technology offered through a limited distribution by our firm, you can upgrade your business and open the door for opportunities you would not have had with outdated business models and strategies. This one-of-a-kind technology can market, educate, and enroll your clients or prospects into a hybrid premium finance product using indexed universal life insurance.

To view the full article, please click here: View Article in Broker World Magazine »

Contact LifePro Today!

If you are looking for a partner who cares about your clients as much as you do, please reach out to LifePro Financial Services at 888-543-3776. We are a premier IMO located in San Diego, CA that has been in business since 1986 and was originally founded by Bill Zimmerman.

Our focus is getting advisors in front of the right prospects through our proprietary digital marketing systems while offering industry best-case design and reporting, professional back-office support, and competitive compensation with incentives.

This material is intended for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as the basis for any purchasing decision. Guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. The hypothetical example is shown for illustrative purposes only and is not guaranteed. The characters in this example are fictional only. Your actual experience will vary. Policy loans and withdrawals will reduce available cash values and death benefits and may cause the policy to lapse or affect any guarantees against lapse. Remember to consider your client's individual circumstances and objectives when discussing their specific situation. Additional premium payments may be required to keep the policy in force. In the event of a lapse, outstanding policy loans in excess of the unrecovered cost basis will be subject to ordinary income tax. Withdrawals are generally income tax-free unless the withdrawal amount exceeds the amount of premium paid. Tax laws are subject to change. Clients should consult their tax professionals. Investment advisory and financial planning services are offered through LifePro Asset Management, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Investments involve risk.

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Episode #302: Annuity Myths Busted by the Wealthy


Are you on the path to a secure retirement? Your financial future shouldn’t be left to chance and you deserve a secure, comfortable, and well planned retirement that starts with your decision to fully educate yourself on the options available to you. When it comes to planning for your financial future, one word you're likely to encounter is "annuity."

Annuities can be powerful tools for retirement income, but they come in various forms, each with its own set of features and benefits and unfortunately, that can result in confusion and inaccurate information around them. In this episode of Money Script Monday, Laurence puts the top annuity myths to rest to educate retirees on the impact that this financial vehicle can have on the success of their retirement.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

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Want to learn more about how we can help with your unique financial situation? Fill in your contact information below, and we'll get started right away!

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LifePro Hosts the 6th Annual Bill Z ALS Golf Classic

ALS Golf Tournament

On September 16th, LifePro hosted our 6th annual Bill Z ALS Golf Classic, and the outpour of generosity and support has once again left us in awe of our incredible community. We are so grateful and humbled by the efforts and contributions made on behalf of our donors, volunteers, and sponsors, who were instrumental in making this charitable event a resounding success.

LifePro continues to host this traditional event in honor our late founder, Bill Zimmerman, and to empower those affected by ALS to live life to the fullest and help find a cure for others in the future.

We are delighted to announce that through the efforts of everyone involved, our remarkable community has raised over $22,000 for the ALS Foundation!

These funds are instrumental in furthering the ALS Foundation's mission to serve, advocate for, and empower those affected by ALS and their families. Through registration visits at the chapter office, in-person home visits, phone calls, emails, and collaboration with local medical care resources, including the Certified Center of Excellence ALS Clinic at UCSD, the Greater San Diego Chapter of the ALS Association provides expert advice and assistance for people living with ALS, free of charge.

If you would like to contribute to these great causes, please visit the ALS Association Greater San Diego Chapter or UCSD Foundation ALS Clinic and mention Bill Zimmerman.

Once again, thank you for your dedication, generosity, and commitment to making a difference in the lives of those affected by ALS. We are incredibly proud to belong to such a fantastic community, and we look forward to your future involvement in our continuing efforts to support this vital cause.

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Episode #301: How to Avoid 6 Common Mistakes When Presenting Online


This post is intended for financial professional use only.

We’ve all experienced the eye glazing and mind numbing torture of sitting through a bad presentation that makes you feel like you’re waiting for Farris Bueller’s teacher to finish taking attendance. When it’s finally over, you feel momentary relief before realizing that the poor form of the presentation prevented you from taking away anything valuable from the actual content itself.

If you’re expanding your client base with educational webinars on complex financial solutions, your presentation skills need to be polished if you want to actually get your message across and avoid putting your prospects through the experience described above. In this episode of Money Script Monday, Sara offers valuable advice on how to avoid common and detrimental mistakes when presenting online so financial professionals can maximize their success.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

Have any questions? Give us a call at 888-LIFEPRO or email us at

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Episode #300: Increasing Your Success with the College Funding Report


This post is intended for financial professional use only.

One of the most beneficial resources that LifePro offers is our proprietary client-friendly reports. These reports have been essential among advisors because they demonstrate to clients that they have a financial problem, whether they know it or not, and explain how the financial professional can provide solutions to these issues that align with the client’s needs.

These reports have been beyond valuable to advisors who partner with LifePro because they help to place more cases and keep them on the books. LifePro recently expanded our collection of proprietary reports, and we are excited to share our newest addition to our lineup of incredible client deliverables. In this episode of Money Script Monday, Gabe unveils the college funding report and coaches college planners on how to present it to clients, what it communicates to them, and things to keep in mind with the changing college landscape.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

Have any questions? Give us a call at 888-LIFEPRO or email us at

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Cash Isn't King

Don't Buy (Or Offer) an IUL Until You Read This

We’ve all heard the expression, “Cash is king.” While that might have been true at one point, we find ourselves favoring a different monarchy. Cash isn’t king to us – liquidity is king. Liquidity liberates individuals and frees them to take advantage of financial opportunities as they arise, which is why liquidity terms are an important component of a financial vehicle.

For example, by having access to liquidity during a market pullback, individuals can purchase appreciating assets at a discount because they have access to those funds. Likewise, when done so within an IUL, we don’t disturb the cash value growth of the contract and the client is still earning uninterrupted compounded interest on the policy even though it is being used as a collateral source.

This is something I’ve been talking about more with both advisors and clients. A properly structured IUL is often praised as a supplemental tax-free retirement vehicle with life insurance and asset protection, and while this is true, those aren’t the only advantages it offers. IUL policies feature favorable liquidity terms and while there are other institutions clients can borrow from, loans from insurance companies using IUL cash value as collateral are generally more favorable.

With loans from IULs, there are no qualifications, no loan underwriting, no payment terms, and generally no added fees. Essentially, the IUL loan is ‘unstructured,’ allowing the client to pay the loan off on their own terms or instead accrue and let the death benefit pay off the outstanding loan balance upon death. Lastly, we would expect a long-term positive arbitrage between the borrowing cost from the insurance company and the indexed returns of the policy.

As mentioned earlier, we often position IUL as a supplemental tax-free retirement vehicle with life insurance and asset protection, but IUL’s additional liquidity advantages become even more relevant in the context of recent events. In June of 2001, 30-year mortgage rates peaked at 7.24% and as of this past week, we nearly matched the 22-year high as rates jumped to 7.23%.

With inflation driving up the cost of living and higher interest rates affecting large capital purchases, having access to liquidity can make a big impact on an individual’s financial freedom. This is why the implementation of a properly structured IUL with favorable liquidity and loan rates can be more beneficial than alternatives.

To illustrate this, I’ve included a list of the loan terms of our top IUL carriers as well as alternative bank loan options that may be available. Notice that not only are the IUL loan rates much lower than the loan terms, but they are also significantly more favorable.

Note: Bank loan rates using and assumes a high credit score.

In conclusion, recent events emphasize the importance of having access to liquidity and IUL provides a great option for those looking to do so. If you’re interested in adding a properly structured IUL to your clients’ holistic financial plans, reach out to your FSR at (888) 543-3776.

Contact LifePro Today!

If you are looking for a partner who cares about your clients as much as you do, please reach out to LifePro Financial Services at 888-543-3776. We are a premier IMO located in San Diego, CA that has been in business since 1986 and was originally founded by William Zimmerman.

This material is intended for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as the basis for any purchasing decision. Guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. The hypothetical example is shown for illustrative purposes only and is not guaranteed. The characters in this example are fictional only. Your actual experience will vary. Policy loans and withdrawals will reduce available cash values and death benefits and may cause the policy to lapse or affect any guarantees against lapse. Remember to consider your client's individual circumstances and objectives when discussing their specific situation. Additional premium payments may be required to keep the policy in force. In the event of a lapse, outstanding policy loans in excess of the unrecovered cost basis will be subject to ordinary income tax. Withdrawals are generally income tax-free unless the withdrawal amount exceeds the amount of premium paid. Tax laws are subject to change. Clients should consult their tax professionals. Investment advisory and financial planning services are offered through LifePro Asset Management, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Investments involve risk.

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Episode #299: If Taxes Never Increase Again, Won't My Retirement Be Safe?


In 1970, Stanford conducted a psychological study in which children were offered a marshmallow and given a choice between eating the marshmallow immediately or waiting 15 minutes to be rewarded with two marshmallows. Appropriately named “The Stanford Marshmallow Experiment,” this famed study on delayed gratification demonstrates that if you can stand the wait, two delayed rewards are better than a singular immediate one.

When it comes to retirement, there are a variety of strategies at your disposal. The real question is, would you choose an account that gives you one marshmallow now or two marshmallows later on? In this episode of Money Script Monday, Luke provides a story reflecting various retirement plans to demonstrate how taxed, tax-deferred, and tax-free account structures can drastically affect an individual’s retirement.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

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Enhancing Executive Retention Strategies Through Indexed Universal Life Insurance

How To Create Your Own Private Reserve Wealth Strategy

Laurence Williams Highlighted in Broker World Magazine

Businesses serve as the lifeblood of our economy, driving innovation and progress. In the intricate landscape of business, cultivating and retaining top-level executives is pivotal for sustained growth and success. As a financial advisor, you’re well aware of the multifaceted challenges businesses face in attracting and keeping valuable talent. In this article we’ll delve into a strategic approach that combines the power of life insurance with executive retention, offering you a dynamic tool to enhance your client’s corporate structure.

For business owners, fostering an environment that attracts, retains, and empowers top executives is a cornerstone of success. Traditional benefits like 401k plans, healthcare, and remote work options are common incentives. However, the integration of indexed universal life insurance (IUL) introduces a novel dimension to the spectrum of executive benefits. Recent studies by the Life Insurance Marketing Research Association (LIMRA) reveal that 29 percent of Americans with life insurance felt underinsured, while a staggering 59 percent lacked any insurance coverage altogether. This indicates a growing awareness of the value of life insurance in today’s ever-evolving economic landscape. While conventional policies such as term insurance are familiar, our focus rests on the dynamic potential of IUL.

Indexed universal life policies offer more than just a death benefit. They serve as a robust platform for retirement planning and house a range of tax advantages, including tax-deferred growth, tax-free distributions, and even provisions for long term care benefits. These features set the stage for our strategic framework, known as the Executive Bonus 162 plan.

The term “162 bonus plan” derives from IRS guidelines that permits employers to provide employees with bonuses in the form of life insurance policies. This innovative approach presents a winning formula for both employers and executives. Imagine a graph titled “Never Lose Another Employee.” It’s as straightforward as it sounds—an employer identifies a top executive for insurance coverage and, once approved, premium payments flow from the employer. In the event of the executive’s passing, the death benefit seamlessly transfers to beneficiaries free from income tax implications. The beauty of an IUL lies in its multifaceted utility. Executives can access the accumulated cash value and tax advantages, creating a comprehensive financial solution tailored to their needs.

Employers stand to benefit significantly from integrating the Executive Bonus 162 plan. Notably, this strategy serves as a powerful retention tool. By offering a comprehensive benefits package that includes tax advantages, retirement income planning, and a death benefit for their families, employers demonstrate a genuine commitment to their executives’ well-being. This personalized approach differentiates them from competitors and showcases their dedication to fostering a nurturing work environment. Moreover, the premiums paid into the policy are fully tax-deductible for the employer, creating a mutually beneficial arrangement. The plan’s implementation is streamlined, particularly in today’s climate. With accelerated underwriting programs, clients can secure substantial coverage without cumbersome medical exams or extensive documentation.

One of the most striking advantages of the Executive Bonus 162 plan is its customization potential. Unlike the blanket insurance advice often associated with group insurance, IUL policies can be meticulously tailored to suit each executive’s unique needs. This approach recognizes the individuality of each executive and resonates with the overarching philosophy of providing personalized financial solutions. One of the most compelling aspects of the Executive Bonus 162 plan is its pre-approval by the IRS. This solidifies its legitimacy and effectiveness, assuring employers of a strategically sound approach. While employers stand to gain substantially, let’s not overlook the advantages for the executives themselves. Executives can enjoy customized plans that can include grossed-up bonus payments to offset potential tax liabilities. Owning their policies provides them with control and flexibility, enabling them to harness the benefits of cash value growth, death benefits, and even optional long term care coverage.

As a financial advisor, you have a unique opportunity to guide businesses toward enhanced executive retention strategies. The Executive 162 Business plan, coupled with the dynamic capabilities of IUL, can reshape corporate dynamics by empowering businesses to attract, retain, and reward their top talent while securing the future financial well-being of their executives.

I encourage you to reach out to business owners to connect and explore the potential of integrating the Executive Bonus 162 plan into their corporate structure. By fostering collaboration and steering businesses toward strategic innovation, you play a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of executive benefits and ensuring enduring success.

Click here to view the article in Broker World Magazine »

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Episode #298: Why Take Risk if You Don't Have to?


In retirement, everyone wants a predictable income stream and to know that their money will be consistent. Unfortunately, one can only do so much to work towards stability if their account faces exposure to stock market risk.

After spending so much of your life making sacrifices so you can have enough money to finance your retirement, it would be devastating to watch that fly out of the window due to stock market factors beyond your control.

But what if there was a way to avoid exposure to market risks altogether, allowing for more consistency and predictability in your retirement income stream? In this episode of Money Script Monday, Kevin juxtaposes retirement portfolios with differing levels of risk to demonstrate how market conditions impact the outcome of a retiree’s income.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

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Want to learn more about how we can help with your unique financial situation? Fill in your contact information below, and we'll get started right away!

Advisory Services offered through LifePro Asset Management, LLC. The information presented here is not specific to any individual's personal circumstances. These materials are provided for general information and educational purposes based upon publicly available information from sources believed to be reliable—we cannot assure the accuracy or completeness of these materials.