LifePro Blog

All of the latest and breaking life insurance and annuity news for the independent financial professional. Includes marketing ideas, training events, industry reports, sales ideas and much more.

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Episode #325: 6 Key Drivers of Your Client's Happiness in Retirement


This post is intended for financial professional use only.

What lies at the core of financial advising? A successful advisor knows it’s not finances, taxes, interest rates, calculations, or any other figure. The core of financial planning is providing security and peace of mind for clients so that you build a trusting and rewarding relationship to help them realize their goals.

While monetary objectives are undeniably a piece of this puzzle, fostering successful client relationships by truly understanding clients and connecting with their dreams and concerns. Discover how to engage with your clients on a level that goes beyond the balance sheet and addresses their aspirations, health, and social well-being as key components of retirement planning.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Sara offers invaluable lessons on connecting with clients' genuine aspirations and fears based on the latest research data of those approaching or currently in retirement.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

Have any questions? Give us a call at 888-LIFEPRO or email us at

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Empowering High-Net-Worth Clients To Financial Success

Empowering High-Net-Worth Clients To Financial Success

Laurence Williams Highlighted in Broker World Magazine

In the current economic climate, characterized by significant challenges in government spending and mounting debt, financial advisors play a critical role in guiding high-net-worth individuals toward sound financial decisions. Recent reports from the U.S. Department of Treasury emphasize the urgent need for strategic planning and shed light on the nation’s alarming financial health and the imperative need for diversifying financial portfolios.

The February 2024 Treasury Statement reveals a stark reality: U.S. government spending has soared to unprecedented levels, far surpassing revenue intake. Shockingly, the IRS has allocated a substantial 63 percent of the individual income taxes collected this past month toward servicing the national debt interest. This trend is alarming. Projections indicate a staggering $350 billion solely for debt servicing through fiscal year 2024, surpassing the collective vital expenditures for veteran benefits, education, commerce, and housing.

Financial advisors must equip high-net-worth individuals with the necessary tools and strategies to shield them from financial devastation from potential future tax liability. It is indisputable that these considerations are critical for providing clients with the best service. However, there is a noticeable deficit of financial professionals who offer services to their affluent clients for strategically alleviating future tax liability.

We must fill this critical gap by implementing beneficial strategies tailored to the unique needs and objectives of the clients with future tax threats in mind. While there are many strategies financial professionals can consider, I believe these three are worth considering: Estate Planning, Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs), and Charitable Bequests.

My goal in this article is to provide the foundational springboard to launch your services to new heights by highlighting the benefits of offering estate planning, presenting solutions to looming tax threats, and providing alternatives for a range of clients since nothing in financial planning is one size fits all.

Click here to view the article in Broker World Magazine »

Contact LifePro Today!

If you are looking for a partner who cares about your clients as much as you do, please reach out to LifePro Financial Services at 888-543-3776. We are a premier IMO located in San Diego, CA that has been in business since 1986 and was originally founded by Bill Zimmerman.

Our focus is getting advisors in front of the right prospects through our proprietary digital marketing systems while offering industry best-case design and reporting, professional back-office support, and competitive compensation with incentives.

This material is intended for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as the basis for any purchasing decision. Guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. The hypothetical example is shown for illustrative purposes only and is not guaranteed. The characters in this example are fictional only. Your actual experience will vary. Policy loans and withdrawals will reduce available cash values and death benefits and may cause the policy to lapse or affect any guarantees against lapse. Remember to consider your client's individual circumstances and objectives when discussing their specific situation. Additional premium payments may be required to keep the policy in force. In the event of a lapse, outstanding policy loans in excess of the unrecovered cost basis will be subject to ordinary income tax. Withdrawals are generally income tax-free unless the withdrawal amount exceeds the amount of premium paid. Tax laws are subject to change. Clients should consult their tax professionals. Investment advisory and financial planning services are offered through LifePro Asset Management, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Investments involve risk.

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Episode #324: A Unique Strategy to Recruit and Retain Key Employees


Are you a business owner looking for groundbreaking value offers to recruit, retain, and reward essential employees making a significant impact in your business? In a world where talent retention is more crucial than ever, implementing creative and mutually beneficial solutions can enhance your competitive edge, attract top talent, boost employee satisfaction, retain essential staff, and bolster your company’s financial foundation.

Discover the innovative approach of a split-dollar arrangement with the power to revolutionize your business model for recruiting and retaining key employees by offering your team tax-advantaged growth while providing cost-recovery solutions for your business. A split-dollar arrangement is more than a benefit; it is a partnership that nurtures loyalty and commitment to your company’s success.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Luke outlines the innovative benefits of a split-dollar arrangement for business owners aiming to revolutionize their company’s employee retention and amplify their business’s value, stability, and success.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

Have any questions? Give us a call at 888-LIFEPRO or email us at

Want to learn more about how we can help with your unique financial situation? Fill in your contact information below, and we'll get started right away!

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Episode #323: Why Should I Buy an Annuity?


The financial landscape is unpredictable and constantly changing, making it vital that Americans strengthen their financial security well beyond their working years and into retirement. After working to create a comfortable and sufficient nest egg, protecting those funds from potential threats is the paramount priority of your retirement planning process.

Whether you’re approaching retirement, newly retired, or enjoying years of retirement bliss, annuities can bring a sense of security and peace of mind to your retirement plan. Annuities are great financial vehicles that can steer you toward a safer retirement and drive your financial freedom by protecting your retirement nest egg, providing guaranteed growth, and offering a hedge against market volatility.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Michael explains why annuities may be the missing piece to your retirement planning puzzle by rationally weighing the costs and benefits of this lucrative financial strategy.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

Have any questions? Give us a call at 888-LIFEPRO or email us at

Want to learn more about how we can help with your unique financial situation? Fill in your contact information below, and we'll get started right away!

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Episode #322: Order of Tax-Free Strategies Based on Income


Are you worried that taxes might diminish your hard-earned retirement savings? You are not alone. Families with a combined household income over $100k are considered the top 25% of income earners and a vital source of over 80% of the nation’s tax revenue.

You have the power to change that. Understand the impact and learn how to optimize your financial strategy with insider knowledge of tax-free retirement planning. Discover how the 1% tackles taxes and how you can too!

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Kyle offers five vital strategies, from basic to advanced, to reduce your tax liability and enjoy more financial stability and freedom in retirement.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

Have any questions? Give us a call at 888-LIFEPRO or email us at

Want to learn more about how we can help with your unique financial situation? Fill in your contact information below, and we'll get started right away!

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Episode #321: The Popularity of IUL Financing Explained


In a world where the only certainty is uncertainty, preparing for retirement can seem daunting. Yet, there's a solution that might just change the way you think about saving: IUL financing. As a beacon for those seeking both stability and growth in their retirement planning, IUL financing is an innovative approach that not only helps safeguard your savings from taxes, but can also potentially triple your retirement savings without tripling your contributions.

Dive into the advantages of using premium financing to enhance your retirement planning, and discover why it's not just for the ultra-rich. This video reviews the principles of premium financing, the advantages it holds over traditional savings methods, and how using OPM (Other People's Money) can work wonders for your financial health.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Adam demonstrates how the unique advantages of IUL can guide you toward a more secure financial future without compromising your current lifestyle.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

Have any questions? Give us a call at 888-LIFEPRO or email us at

Want to learn more about how we can help with your unique financial situation? Fill in your contact information below, and we'll get started right away!

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Episode #320: Partnership Designed for Growth-Minded Advisors


This post is intended for financial professional use only.

Is your advisory business reaching its full potential? What actionable plans do you have in place to substantially build, scale, and grow? Have you tried to put these plans into action, how’d it go?

If the results you’re getting are falling short of your expectations, it’s time to step beyond conventional methods of development and take advantage of a groundbreaking blueprint for exponential growth. In this episode of Money Script Monday, Sal provides step-by-step instructions for building a thriving advisory business through a strategic and innovative partnership with LifePro.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

Have any questions? Give us a call at 888-LIFEPRO or email us at

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Episode #319: Why Your Estate Plan Needs to be Flexible


Is your estate plan built to last through the twists and turns of life? Proper estate planning should be flexible and is most successful when it bends, not breaks, with inevitable life changes. What strategies can you implement to align your estate plan with your current needs and future goals?

Start preparing today for a lasting legacy tomorrow by learning how to adapt your estate plan to life’s unpredictabilities. In this episode of Money Script Monday, Sean emphasizes the importance of building a flexible estate plan that factors for changes in tax laws, family dynamics, and needs so you can provide a lasting legacy to loved ones.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

Have any questions? Give us a call at 888-LIFEPRO or email us at

Want to learn more about how we can help with your unique financial situation? Fill in your contact information below, and we'll get started right away!

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Top Financial Professionals Kick-Start 2024 at the LifePro Summit


On Tuesday, February 13th, hundreds of independent financial professionals and strategic partners from across the United States gathered at the Hilton Garden Inn Carlsbad Beach Hotel for The LifePro Summit, our major kick-off event of the year!

Our goal with the Summit is to help and ensure our advisors start the year off right with new ideas and strategies that can be implemented in their business right away!

This event is an expression of our unwavering dedication to fostering the success and growth of our advisors.

It filled us with joy to have the opportunity to unite our community, all in one location, to learn from one another and set the tone for a successful 2024.

We curated a lineup of distinguished speakers, ranging from top industry executives to our esteemed in-house LifePro experts. Our audience, comprising financial advisors, insurance company representatives, and professionals across various sectors, alongside the entire LifePro team, received cutting-edge insights and tools in the realms of life insurance, annuities, asset management, and beyond.

The information was too good not to share, so we put together a quick recap with a few key takeaways from each presenter at The LifePro Summit:

Ben Nevejans President LifePro

2024 LifePro Summit: Investing In Your Legacy!

Ben Nevejans
President, LifePro

The opening presentation at the 2024 LifePro Summit, led by Ben Nevejans, set an electrifying tone for the event. Ben's address emphasized the core theme of investing in the success and legacy of our advisors and their clients. He highlighted the significant achievements of our advisors in 2023, including record-breaking attendance for the live and virtual events LifePro helps manage through our robust event marketing platform. Ben also highlighted the impressive target IUL and annuity sales that were a direct result of our advisors' incredible efforts in 2023. Ben underscored the importance of maintaining client communication through email marketing campaigns to drive IUL and annuity sales, urging attendees to take advantage of the powerhouse library of tools and resources designed to help you stay relevant and top-of-mind with clients. He provided insights into the company's strategies for the upcoming year, expressing a continuous commitment to putting advisors in front of qualfied leads consistently.

If you're interested in learning how to reach more qualified prospects with targeted workshops and webinars, then you aren't going to want to miss our Client Acquisition Webinar at 10 AM PST on Wednesday, March 6th.

Don Blanton Circle of Wealth®

The Financial GPS and Personal Economic Model®​

Don Blanton
Founder, Circle of Wealth®

Don Blanton is the founder and president of MoneyTrax and the Circle of Wealth® system which utilizes state-of-the-art technology to explain solutions to clients and aid in selecting better investments to prevent losses. Don's presentation not only provided practical strategies for financial advisors but also addressed a crucial communication gap in the industry. Don emphasized the challenge of using complex financial terms that may confuse clients, leading to ineffective communication and advice. He advocated for the adoption of visual representation models, such as Circle of Wealth®'s Personal Economic Model®, to bridge this gap and enhance client understanding. Additionally, Don introduced the new 2024 Financial GPS tool, offering advisors a comprehensive approach to guide clients through their financial journey.

Click here to get started with the Circle of Wealth® system and use this incredible software with clients to simplify your explanation of how the market works!

Grace Barnard, NIW Companies, Inc.

The Power of Kai-Zen®, ilia®, and the Greatest Wealth Transfer​

Grace Barnard
President and Co-Founder, NIW Companies, Inc.

Grace Barnard's presentation provided invaluable insights into the power of Kai-Zen, ilia®, and the impending wealth transfer. As President & Co-Founder of NIW Companies, Inc., Grace delved into the importance of focusing on positivity amid challenging times, highlighting the potential of technology to address financial concerns efficiently. She introduced Kai-Zen, NIW's innovative solution, which combines leverage with life insurance to offer superior benefits compared to traditional financial products. Grace emphasized the need for effective communication to ensure clients understand the value proposition of Kai-Zen, particularly in terms of potential growth, protection, and tax advantages. Through ilia®, an interactive learning information assistant powered by AI, Grace demonstrated how advisors can leverage technology to enhance client engagement and streamline processes. She emphasized the importance of partnering with preferred providers to access comprehensive support and education on Kai-Zen. Grace's presentation underscored the transformative potential of Kai-Zen in navigating the complexities of financial planning and maximizing wealth accumulation for clients.

Grab prospects' attention faster by using Kai-Zen and the power of leverage to provide more benefits to a wider pool of high-net-worth individuals. Click here to request access to ilia®.

Rob Reaburn LifePro Asset Management

Economic Update and LifePro​ Asset Management’s Approach​

Rob Reaburn
Head of Wealth Management, LifePro Asset Management

Rob Reaburn delivered a comprehensive economic update and outlined LifePro Asset Management's approach in navigating market uncertainties. Rob addressed the emotional impact of market volatility, emphasizing the importance of advisors in guiding clients through unpredictable times. He provided insights into the current economic landscape and offered a framework for the year ahead, highlighting shifts in market dynamics and investment opportunities. Rob underscored the significance of distinguishing rhetoric from reality and identified major themes driving market trends, including interest rates, market valuations, and investment bubbles. Additionally, Rob introduced the LPAM Managed Risk Platform, a turnkey solution for passive investing that aims to provide operational flexibility and mitigate investment risks.

Join us at the virtual LifePro Asset Management Academy at 10 AM PST on Thursday, April 4th to discover innovative approaches to navigating today's volatile markets and elevate your expertise to boost your assets under management.

Allee Marchini Senior Marketing Coordinator

The #1 Marketing Strategy Shared by Top Advisors​

Allee Marchini
Senior Marketing Coordinator, LifePro Financial

Allee Marchini, the head of LifePro's Marketing team, delved into the critical role of marketing in driving business success, particularly in the digital landscape. Highlighting substantial growth opportunities in digital marketing, Marchini emphasized the strategies employed by top advisors earning $250,000+, which includes LifePro's proprietary and proven signature presentations ranging from topics like college planning, annuities, taxes, and more. Central to this discussion was LifePro's event marketing platform, hailed as one of the best lead-generation systems in the country. By leveraging this platform, advisors can reduce marketing costs by 50% while achieving superior results in lead generation, appointment setting, and client acquisition.

Dave Julian, Director of Operations

Elevate Your Strategies With Powerful Proprietary Software

Dave Julian
Director of Operations, LifePro Financial

During his presentation, Dave Julian explored strategies to enhance advisors' approaches through proprietary software. He identified two primary challenges: generating leads and navigating the complex sales cycle for life insurance and annuities. Julian introduced five resources tailored to address these challenges. These tools included the Test Drive Annuity and Test Drive IUL calculators, educational email campaigns, the NEW College Funding Report, IUL and Annuity reports, and advisor and client portals, which can be used to engage clients more effectively. By leveraging these resources, advisors can streamline their marketing efforts and drive business growth in the competitive financial services landscape.

It's important to maintain consistent client communication throughout the year. Click here to express interest in our next client-friendly email campaign that will show clients a snapshot of an illustrated annuity's performance over time using our NEW "Test Drive an Annuity" Calculator.

Noelle Pikus Pace Olympian and World Champion

Where You Look Is Where You Go!

Noelle Pikus Pace
2X Olympian, World Champion, Motivational Speaker & Author

Noelle Pikus Pace took the LifePro stage for the first time to share her extraordinary journey of resilience and triumph. From her humble beginnings in Utah to becoming a two-time Olympian and Olympic Silver Medalist, Noelle's story captivated the audience. Despite facing daunting challenges, including a career-threatening injury just months before the 2006 Olympics, Noelle's unwavering determination and relentless pursuit of her goals served as a beacon of inspiration for all. Through her engaging presentation, she imparted invaluable wisdom, emphasizing the transformative power of setting specific daily goals and maintaining a positive mindset, even in the face of adversity.

Noelle's message resonated deeply with attendees as she shared personal anecdotes and powerful insights, encouraging them to overcome doubts and fears, and embrace a process-driven approach to success.

Contact LifePro

For more information on this year’s LifePro Summit or to be included in future events, please call (888) 543-3776 to speak to a Field Support Representative!

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Episode #318: IUL Has Strong Minimum Guarantees


Think all investments carry the same risk? Think again. Unlike the fluctuating returns of 401(k)s and stocks, a properly funded IUL guarantees a level of security and predictable retirement income. With impressive minimum guarantees, IUL stands out as a steadfast investment, especially in turbulent times.

Dive into how these guarantees work to provide you with a stable cash value accumulation and dependable income in retirement, all while keeping your investment safe from market downturns. In this episode of Money Script Monday, Kevin demonstrates how a properly structured IUL policy has guarantees that make it a strong option even in the worst-case scenario.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

Have any questions? Give us a call at 888-LIFEPRO or email us at

Want to learn more about how we can help with your unique financial situation? Fill in your contact information below, and we'll get started right away!

Advisory Services offered through LifePro Asset Management, LLC. The information presented here is not specific to any individual's personal circumstances. These materials are provided for general information and educational purposes based upon publicly available information from sources believed to be reliable—we cannot assure the accuracy or completeness of these materials.