LifePro Blog

All of the latest and breaking life insurance and annuity news for the independent financial professional. Includes marketing ideas, training events, industry reports, sales ideas and much more.

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Three Rules To Help Make The Promise Of A Successful IUL Come True

Insurance Planning—How To Accomplish More With Less

Kevin Nuber Highlighted in Broker World Magazine

If you are in the IUL marketplace, then you hear it all the time—indexed universal life policies will never come true. The criticisms are usually the same. That the illustrations and projections are unrealistic and so unbelievable that they can’t possibly come true. They say caps and participation rates will be reduced and the client will end up unhappy. One can easily argue truth to these statements because an illustration can be manipulated in all sorts of ways to over promise performance.

Many years ago, our company founder Bill Zimmerman was tired of hearing these criticisms because he knew from his personal experience that IUL policies would perform. He set out on a mission to prove this to our advisors and their clients, and over the last 15 years, and tens of thousands of IUL policies later, we have found that if an advisor follows three simple rules, then the IUL illustrations should come true.

With Bill’s mission in mind we designed and created a system to illustrate policy performance in an easy-to-digest format

We have an entire library dedicated to IUL success stories. We’ve run annual policy review reports on most of our active IUL contracts that were written over the last twelve years. We have run a total of 14,842 of these reports, which are then sent to our advisors automatically.

Every week we see examples of policies that are performing as planned, but also policies that are not performing as expected. We have found that in almost every case where there is an underperforming policy, one or more of the three rules were not followed.

We have many IUL stories to share at You’ll be able to see successful policies that followed these rules, and policies that have fallen behind because they didn’t follow the rules. With this knowledge as a guide to follow you could have these same success stories that our advisors do.

To view the full article, please click here: View Article in Broker World Magazine »

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LifePro Summit 2023: Peaking Your Potential

LifePro Summit 2022 Recap

On Thursday, February 23rd, hundreds of independent financial advisors across the nation came together to learn from industry-leading experts through our virtual LifePro Summit conference. Our speakers provided attendees with information on changing regulations, models that can help your business thrive, and available financial softwares and programs that strengthen your clients’ knowledge and comfort in your expertise.

As one of our speakers, Don Blanton, articulated so well during his presentation, “What one can do, another can do.” We don’t want what we know to stop with us, which is exactly why we put together some of the major takeaways from each speaker at the LifePro Summit so that you can share in the success of our community where independent does not mean alone.


Ben Nevejans President LifePro

Opening to the 2023 LifePro Summit

Ben Nevejans
President, LifePro Financial

LifePro President, Ben Nevejans, opened this year’s Summit by announcing the exciting promotions that are currently running in an effort to help advisors grow their practice and expand their Marketing Cost Share dollars, and upcoming events to keep on your radar. From now until April 3rd, 2023, one of our prominent carriers is offering a 32% premium bonus in addition to a 20% marketing cost share bonus on all ABC annuity submitted before the deadline. Ben also shared some important upcoming events that can help you to have the best year yet such as the Wealth Builder Academy program taking place on April 4th, a Kai-Zen training on April 18th, the LPAM Academy on May 4th, and the highly anticipated Chairman’s Club Conference from September 17th-20th. Before passing it on to Patrick Kelly, he reminds us of the importance of being able to effectively communicate our solutions to clients and encourages advisors to take advantage of all of the tools that LifePro makes available to drive our partners’ success.


Van Mueller LUTCF LACP Registered Representative

The Tax-Free Retirement Presentation

Patrick Kelly
Best-Selling Author, Speaker, and Professional Trainer

Patrick Kelly is an industry leader with 7 best-selling books under his belt which have collectively sold more than a million copies worldwide. His first work, Tax-Free Retirement, is an educational, consumer-marketing program that assists financial advisors with helping their clients solve for tax risk by providing tools that help build their practice. Patrick explained the importance of ensuring that clients are provided not only with solutions, but also with solid explanations of the problems themselves so clients can understand them. With this, he revealed how advisor education, lead generation, and sales presentations help financial advisors support their clients and solve for tax risks. Finally, Patrick shared the exclusive promo code “897” which can be entered here to access any of his books for just $8.97.


Jimmy Pomerance Founder Impact Speakers

What’s Next for IUL?

Austin Bichler
AVP Actuary at Allianz Life

With 15 years in the life insurance and annuity industry under his belt, Austin Bichler is a frequent speaker on industry trends and highly experienced with product design, pricing, hedging, and marketing in addition to his active participation in IUL regulatory matters. During his presentation at this year’s LifePro Summit, Austin laid out what to expect from the changes that come from AG49-B and the ways that regulators are attempting to improve illustrations so that they are more consumer-friendly by explaining the function and value of the products more clearly and effectively. One major takeaway from his presentation was that the regulations do not affect the way that the product performs, but rather how it illustrates and to be wary of getting involved in illustration wars or selling based on predictions.


Heather Ulz CEO of LifePro

My Circle of Wealth and Personal Economic Model

Don Blanton
Founder and President of MoneyTrax Inc.

Don Blanton is the founder and president of MoneyTrax and the Circle of Wealth system which utilizes state-of-the-art technology to explain solutions to clients and aid in selecting better investments to prevent losses. In his presentation, he went over the top areas where people lose money, the most important financial questions that everyone should know, and the master mentor program that he offers as one of the most in-depth and extensive training programs available for financial advisors. Don also announced that the next Master Mentor program will take place on May 16th and 17th 2023 and offered a special discount and reimbursement for LifePro advisors.


Robert Reaburn Managing Director LifePro Asset Management

Helping Advisors Breaking the Chains of Wall Street

Robert Reaburn
Managing Director at LifePro Asset Management

Over the course of seven years, Rob has helped build LifePro’s in-house RIA, LifePro Asset Management, from the ground up. During his presentation at LifePro’s Summit, he covered how LifePro can help you free your practice, the golden opportunity for advisors, and how to make the most out of your time. Rob explained that LifePro Asset Management’s ability to generate qualified leads, provide a full-service advisory support program, utilize holistic financial planning, case design, reviews, portfolio management, and trading support which is all backed by industry leading technology tools. In addition to explaining all of the ways that advisors can liberate their practice, he reminds us that coaching clients through good and bad market environments is the ultimate determinant of client retention and satisfaction.



Contact LifePro

For more information on this year’s LifePro Summit or to be included in future events, please call (888) 543-3776 to speak to a Field Support Representative!

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Episode #275: 6 Tips for Selecting the Right Virtual Assistant for You


This post is intended for financial professional use only.

Is your business expanding to the point where you have too much to do and not enough time to get it done? As a business owner, you may be getting bogged down by day-to-day administrative duties, trying to do too much at once – which can be detrimental to your company’s growth.

A virtual assistant (VA) is a professional who provides administrative and/or technical support remotely in order to free up more of your time to focus on activities that have the greatest impact on your business and income. By employing a virtual assistant, you're often able to save on overhead costs, like travel, office equipment, vacation time, and benefits. When hiring a VA, it is essential to execute the right process that can help ensure you’ll find the right fit for your business. There are a few simple yet essential steps that can make your hiring and recruiting efforts more effective.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Sara shares expert tips and resources to keep in mind when bringing on remote staff that’ll help make the most of your recruitment efforts.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

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Want to learn more about how we can help with your unique financial situation? Fill in your contact information below, and we'll get started right away!

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The Truth Behind How Annuity Companies Make Money

The Truth Behind How Annuity Companies Make Money

Kyle Tomko Highlighted in Broker World Magazine

The insurance industry has long been considered a black box, shrouded in secrecy, with endless (negative) connotations around carriers being a scam or even a rip off. Let’s be honest, we’ve all had a bad experience with reporting a claim or dealing with outlandish hold times and or customer service.

Worst part yet, this experience ranges across the insurance landscape and you can often be reminded when you see their name in the airport, on a building, or even on a ballpark/arena. To no surprise, insurance carriers are often misunderstood from the start.

In this article I hope to dispel some of the myths surrounding the annuity industry. My goal is to provide a conceptual explanation around how annuity companies make money. Along the way, we’ll tackle some of the more common questions like, “How does the agent get compensated?” and/or “How does my contract charge no fees?”

These are both reasonable questions for consumers to ask. But first, why exactly are annuities (from fixed to indexed) so popular right now? The answer is two-fold. Continued stock market volatility + Increasing interest rate environment = Annuity Opportunity Zone. Let me explain further.

From a business cycle standpoint our economy is nearing the end of an inflationary cycle, which means we’re headed towards a recessionary period. We’ve seen annuity rates and benefits continue to rise with the Federal Reserve’s rate hikes throughout the past twelve months. When interest rates rise it becomes more expensive to borrow money, which can discourage spending on big ticket items such as an estate, automobile, etc.

At some point the increased interest rates will lead to lower inflation, lower economic growth, and higher unemployment. The government does this with the hope that the demand for consumer goods and services will drop.

To view the full article, please click here: View Article in Broker World Magazine »

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Three Potential Discounts On Strategic Roth IRA Conversions

<strong>Three Potential Discounts On Strategic Roth IRA Conversions</strong>

Brian Manderscheid Highlighted in Broker World Magazine

As clients prepare to meet with their financial advisors on planning strategies for the new year, this is the perfect opportunity to discuss how to potentially reduce their future tax obligations with a concept called, Strategic Roth IRA conversions.

Over the past year we witnessed the National debt surpass $31 trillion dollars with record government spending and deficits. Not only has our nation’s debt gone up substantially, so have interest rates which compounds the problem. With no end in sight in reckless government spending, or a chance of a balanced budget, the tax risk your clients face will likely get worse not better.

Fortunately, we can have a retirement tax escape hatch which your clients can utilize to avoid a ticking tax time bomb on their retirement accounts.

It’s no secret that, given the choice, your clients would rather have tax free growth, distribution and transfer than taxable benefits at potentially higher tax rates. Everyone wants a Roth IRA conversion, but simultaneously no one wants to pay the upfront taxes.

What if you could provide your clients up to three discounts on Strategic Roth IRA conversion taxes?

If structured correctly, your clients can use this strategy to enjoy tax-free income in retirement, leave a tax-free legacy to their kids and grandchildren while also minimizing their upfront Roth IRA conversion tax obligations.

The three potential discounts are the 1) tax rate discount; 2) market value discount; and, lastly, 3) tax base discount. First, let’s talk about the tax rate discount.

With the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act sunsetting in 2026, we’re in a unique situation where we know that tax rates will be increasing in 2026 for most clients. The way to paint this picture is by reminding them that they are going to go to bed December 31st, 2025, on New Year’s Eve and wake up the next morning on New Year’s Day, January 1st, 2026, owing more taxes.

To view the full article, please click here: View Article in Broker World Magazine »

Investment advisory and financial planning services are offered through LifePro Asset Management, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. These materials are provided for general information and educational purposes based upon publicly available information from sources believed to be reliable—we cannot assure the accuracy or completeness of these materials. LifePro Asset Management does not provide tax or legal advice. Please consult with your tax and/or legal advisor for such guidance.

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Episode #274: How to Create Your Own Private Reserve Wealth Strategy


When you think of the American economy, it’s hard not to imagine business owners, as they’re the lifeblood of the American dream. Successful business owners value the importance of protecting their assets, mitigating tax exposure to avoid paying unnecessary taxes, and having access to liquidity and capital. While we may not all be business owners, the good news is that we all have access to these strategies. One just happens to be properly structured cash-value life insurance.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Laurence reveals the most common uses of cash-value life insurance, the way to structure a policy, and how to access your money.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

Have any questions? Give us a call at 888-LIFEPRO or email us at

Want to learn more about how we can help with your unique financial situation? Fill in your contact information below, and we'll get started right away!

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Episode #273: Using Hybrid Leveraging to Multiply Your Tax-Free Retirement


What if you could generate tax-free income in retirement? A diversified retirement portfolio can help lessen your tax burden, protect your nest egg, and provide financial peace of mind in your later years. We hear clients often say that although they have most of their money in tax-deferred accounts, they actually hoped more of their money was in their tax-free bucket. This is where life insurance comes into play. Cash-value life insurance is a great way to increase the value of your tax-free bucket. Further, a funding strategy known as hybrid leveraging can help you maximize the growth potential of a cash-value life insurance policy.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Luke explains the difference between getting taxed now versus later and the benefits of using hybrid financing to purchase a cash-value life insurance policy.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

Have any questions? Give us a call at 888-LIFEPRO or email us at

Want to learn more about how we can help with your unique financial situation? Fill in your contact information below, and we'll get started right away!

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Episode #272: How to Use the Winter Months to Your College Planning Advantage


This post is intended for financial professional use only.

It was around 10 years ago when LifePro first dove into college planning. During this time, it was difficult for our advisors to find qualified prospects during the college season “off season” due to the industry’s sole focus on promoting in-person seminars and workshops. Advisors were spending up to $10,000 per event using direct mailers to try to get people to show up, and there was no guarantee that they would find prospects who met their target demographics. In 10 years, we’ve been able to optimize our marketing strategy to help our advisors get in front of the right prospects for a fraction of the cost that they were used to seeing. A big factor in that was our shift to digital marketing when the panemic hit, which has completely transformed the way business is done. Today, we’re able to get advisors in front of qualified prospects for $8-$10 (on average) per RSVP.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Gabe challenges you to re-consider the college planning “off season” and presents an incredible opportunity to tackle your 2023 production goals.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

Have any questions? Give us a call at 888-LIFEPRO or email us at

Want to learn more about how we can help with your unique financial situation? Fill in your contact information below, and we'll get started right away!

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Episode #271: Triple Your Production with Circle of Wealth® Software


This post is intended for financial professional use only.

How do you show, rather than tell, interested prospects and clients how money works? What prospect data do you collect to create custom reports and financial plans? Every opportunity that you have to meet with a client is your chance to close a sale. Clients are inundated with generic financial advice and won’t implement a plan unless it’s from a trusted financial expert and the plan clearly addresses their goals. Circle of Wealth® provides you with the tools and training to be seen as a trusted expert so you can confidently deliver reliable financial strategies to your clients.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Sal explains how to utilize this powerful communication tool to provide tailored financial solutions that can result in a sale.

Call Your FSR for a Software Demo

Do you want to see more of the Circle of Wealth® Software? Sal was only able to scratch the surface! Get in touch with your Field Support Representative (FSR) today to receive a personal walk-through of the most powerful communication tool in our industry. We'll strategize on how you can use the software to triple your production in 2023.

Sign Up for the Master Mentor Training Program

Industry legend Don Blanton will personally take you under his wing for three, 2-day "Master Mentor" sessions of intensive coaching and strategic planning at LifePro's headquarters in San Diego, CA. This will be the ONLY opportunity to attend a Master Mentor training by Don Blanton in 2023! Click here to register!

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

Have any questions? Give us a call at 888-LIFEPRO or email us at

Want to learn more about how we can help with your unique financial situation? Fill in your contact information below, and we'll get started right away!

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Episode #270: The Truth Behind How Annuity Companies Make Money


Have you ever wondered how an insurance company makes money through an annuity sale … how it’s possible that there are no fees charged inside a contract … Or how the advisor you work with is compensated? These are all reasonable questions to ask especially considering the popularity of annuities among pre-retirees looking to establish guaranteed income in retirement.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Kyle dispels the most common annuity myth and explains what an insurance carrier does with the money you pay into a policy.

Resources Provided for This Episode

Want consumer-friendly videos sent to your inbox every week? Sign up to receive to receive LifePro's weekly Money Script Monday video series providing financial clarity, dispelling myths, and showing you how money works in 10 minutes (or less). Subscribe now!

Have any questions? Give us a call at 888-LIFEPRO or email us at

Want to learn more about how we can help with your unique financial situation? Fill in your contact information below, and we'll get started right away!