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Episode #289: Utilizing LIMRA to Better Your Business


This post is intended for financial professional use only.

Diving into the sea of online resources for financial professionals can feel like searching for a teardrop in the ocean. Revelance, usefulness, timeliness, and accuracy of the information, not to mention the interests and motivations of the source, can all be legitimate causes for doubt when determining what you want to utilize in your business.

Among the many services LifePro provides, bringing ease to your day-to-day business operations is a shared sentiment and motivation behind all the support we provide. With this, LifePro's Contracting and Licensing Manager, Sara Sullivan, endeavored on a deep dive into the benefits of the Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association, more commonly known as LIMRA.

As a 107-year-old trade association that provides training and development, research assessment, consulting, compliance, and other services and benefits for its members, there is so much that LIMRA has to give. In this episode of Money Script Monday, Sara presents her findings on all that LIMRA offers and provides examples of the advantageous information that can benefit a financial professional’s business.

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How to Incorporate a 'Volatility Buffer' into Your Retirement Plan

How to Incorporate a 'Volatility Buffer' into Your Retirement Plan

Between market volatility, increased longevity, and inflation, the fear of running out of money in retirement is a sentiment that is on the forefront of any clients’ concerns over the financial stability of their golden years. And rightfully so. It is far too common that a lack of proper planning contributes to an unnecessary loss of funds that impacts the standard of living for the client, and their ability to maximize wealth transfers to their heirs. When market conditions take a downturn, financial professionals traditionally advise clients to simply live on less. But is that really what your clients want or what we should plan for?

Financial uncertainty and economic downturn are not questions of if it will happen, but rather of when it will happen.

It’s time to stop reacting to issues as they arise and start preventing them before they occur. One way to accomplish this, is to incorporate a ‘volatility buffer’ into your clients’ financial plans. During the accumulation years, the sequence of returns does not create a huge risk for clients. In fact, it could create opportunities to buy high quality stocks at a discounted price when the stock market turns negative. However, during the distribution years, large account losses coupled with withdrawals can cause double pain for retirees. Taking account withdrawals during down years has the potential to lock in losses and restrict the account’s recovery.

With that in mind, we can consider creating a ‘volatility buffer’ during our clients’ retirement years. To do this we can max fund an Indexed Universal Life policy during a client’s working years. Rather than utilizing the IUL for systematic, level income during retirement, we can instead take policy loans during down years in the stock market. By doing so we do not have to tap into investment accounts and incur the double pain associated with losses and withdrawals.

Since the IUL loan is tax-free, it can also allow for other strategic opportunities. For example, if most of a client’s income was coming from the IUL, their taxable income would be substantially less than other tax years. This may be an ideal situation for a partial Roth IRA conversion, especially after a market pullback.

To illustrate this concept, I have a client with $5 million in a non-qualified equity account averaging 8% per year. The random investment sequence is: -20%, 12%, 18%, 22%. I repeat this sequence every 4 years.

Source: LifePro Financial, Inc. Hypothetical situation for illustration purposes only. See disclosure for more information.

The client is currently contributing $200k a year to this investment account for the next 10 years while working. The current plan shows the equity account drain down substantially during the retirement years, especially during those down years coupled with taking income.

Source: InsMark. Hypothetical situation for illustration purposes only. See disclosure for more information.

For the proposed plan, I am simply redirecting 70% of the taxable account contributions, or $140k a year, for 10 years into the IUL with a 6% illustrated rate. As opposed to being solely reliant on the investment account for income, I am instead taking loans from the IUL for income during down market years. This allows the equity account to recover without interruption by distributions for income, thus avoiding double pain and providing more net worth/wealth to heirs.

Source: InsMark. Hypothetical situation for illustration purposes only. See disclosure for more information.

Imagine if this were the type of difference you could make for your clients. This is not only a huge win for the client, but also a big benefit to the investment advisor’s business by maintaining more AUM and more consistent revenue. Creating financial success such as this for your clients is creating success for yourself as well. Increasing the wealth transfer for heirs, or preventing unnecessary losses before then, allows the investment advisor to retain more AUM by having another account to take income from during bear markets.

By now it’s clear how beneficial it is to incorporate a ‘volatility buffer’ into your clients’ complete and holistic financial plans. The goal of sharing the very same strategies that we use with you is to encourage you to expand how you consider responding to your clients’ various needs. It’s not only unrealistic and simplistic to tell clients to just “live on a tighter budget,” but also unfair for financial professionals to resort to when more sound solutions exist. At LifePro, we have a highly skilled and experienced in-house Advanced Case Design Department that frequently uses these strategies when providing our thousands of advisors from across the country who outsource their paraplanning to us. To learn more about how we can help you better service your clients to help grow your business, please reach out to us at 888-543-3776.

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Contact LifePro Today!

If you are looking for a partner who cares about your clients as much as you do, please reach out to LifePro Financial Services at 888-543-3776. We are a premier IMO located in San Diego, CA that has been in business since 1986 and was originally founded by Bill Zimmerman.

Our focus is getting advisors in front of the right prospects through our proprietary digital marketing systems while offering industry best-case design and reporting, professional back-office support, and competitive compensation with incentives.

Investments have risk. Past performance is not indicative of future results. This material is for educational purposes only. Any reference to index universal life used in this material is hypothetical and is intended solely to show how IULs may be used with this planning concept. This example is for discussion purposes only. Actual results will vary based on your specific situation. Certain assumptions are based on information provided by you. Consult your own tax and/or legal advisor(s) when making tax and legal decisions. Investment and insurance values are illustrative/projective only, not guarantees. A personalized basic IUL illustration/projection is required which includes product features and any guarantees. Investment advisory and financial planning services offered through LifePro Asset Management, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Investments involve risk. Insurance, consulting, and education services are offered through LifePro Financial Services, Inc.

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Episode #288: The Safe Retirement Checklist to Protect Your Future


Have you ever been on a road trip? Or even gone for a drive when the conditions are unfavorable? Chances are, you don’t just hop into the driver’s seat, start it up, and hit the road without checking a few things first. You’ll make sure you have enough gas to get to a gas station or your destination, make sure your vehicle is in good enough condition to be on the road, and you’ll even get all those backward-facing mirrors in the perfect position so you can safely see behind you as you accelerate on the journey ahead.

Safety checks are a critical component of any journey, and the journey to your golden years of retirement is no exception. That’s why it’s so important to be aware of the risks you may encounter along the way, and even more important to develop a plan of safety in the face of adversarial retirement conditions.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Luke forecasts the biggest retirement risks to illuminate their dangers and offers potentially safer strategies for retirement security.

Resources Provided for This Episode

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Premium Finance Rescue and Why Clients, Advisors, and Carriers Love Kai-Zen

Don't Buy (Or Offer) an IUL Until You Read This

Over the last 6 months, a colleague and I took on a difficult task concerning an in-force premium finance review. The case was done through another advisor with an outside premium finance vendor and since things got a little messy, the client sought fiduciary council with one of our top advisors so they could figure out what went wrong and how to move forward.

The premium finance plan was placed in 2014 and based on the projections from 9 years ago, this plan was a slam dunk and no brainer for the client to move forward with. After all, the borrowing costs from the bank were projected to stay at 2.20% forever and the indexed returns were projected at 6.5% consistently. An easy 4% spread between the indexed returns and borrowing rates.

Fast forward to today, the client was over 7 figures underwater in this transaction. Meaning the primary collateral source (IUL cash surrender value) was over a million dollars less than the bank loan. Essentially, the client was posting a huge amount of outside gap collateral in the form of outside investments to make the bank whole. Not only was he in a large hole after only 9 years in the transaction, but it was projected to get even worse.

Without any additional funding or face amount reductions, the IUL policy was projected to lapse at age 84 based on current projections while still owing $9.5m to the bank on the financed loan, assuming a 4% borrowing rate.

There were many problems with not only the transaction itself but also with the policy and policy management. For instance, the original design was presented under a best-case scenario with minimal client out-of-pocket contributions and an excessive amount of leverage. A higher cost IUL was used with a minimal term blend, creating a higher fee drag for the policy to hurdle in addition to the borrowing costs.

During the transaction the advisor missed one of the premiums, meaning the policy was never maximum funded, which increased the COI’s as the net amount at risk wasn’t reduced as expected with a typical max funded level death benefit IUL. Additionally, the advisor also tried to ‘time the market’ by switching in and out of the indexed account to the fixed account, often missing potential years of hitting the cap.

Lastly, the renewal rates offered by the insurance company were subpar in comparison to the industry with only a 7.5% S&P cap at renewal. To make matters worse, borrowing costs ratcheted up significantly with the drastic climb of the Federal Funds rate. Moving forward, the chances of arbitrage were minimal considering the lower cap, the higher borrowing costs, and the higher fee drag due to the non-maximum funded design. Clearly, this policy was in dire need of an extensive review of all his options, which we carried out through dozens of iterations wither multiple variables and stress tests.

Luckily, we found a creative solution for the client to stop the bleeding and responsibly exit the transaction, all while still providing low-cost life insurance coverage for estate planning.

While this was an extremely difficult, time-consuming case, it was also one of most rewarding of my career. The client stated he had met with a handful of other advisors over the last few years and was disappointed after most proposed solutions involved a policy replacement and more leverage. He received more clarity in a few months in working with our advisor and the LifePro team, than he did at any point in this almost decade long transaction.

The point of this isn’t to claim victory or to stand on our moral high ground. Instead, it is to learn from the mistakes of others so future clients aren’t put into this same situation. Premium finance can be an effective tool to build and transfer wealth. However, it must be done the right way for the right person.

Additionally, programs with less leverage, extensive stress testing, and no additional outside gap collateral may be a more appropriate way to help our clients reach their financial goals. They are also stickier, meaning clients see the value and stick with the plan instead of prematurely exiting. Meanwhile, the program our advisors have been using is an innovative and high-quality leader in the insurance industry. With one of the highest persistency rates compared to both financed and non-financed life insurance policies, they have managed to secure over $5 billion in loans since their start in 2000. We have been advocating for more conservative, Hybrid Financing solutions since the beginning and continue to use industry leading programs, such as Kai-Zen, for the long term success of our clients.

Below are a few of the key metrics we collected during our extensive policy review process:

Bank Loan Balance:

  • 2023 Projected: $2,850,000
  • 2023 Actual: $3,059,219

IUL Cash Value:

  • 2023 Projected: $3,277,573
  • 2023 Actual: $2,024,015

Outside Gap Collateral:

  • 2023 Projected: $0 with $427,573 of Equity
  • 2023 Actual: -$1,035,204

Indexed Returns:

  • 2023 Projected: 6.50%
  • 2023 Actual: 3.53%

Lender Borrowing Rates:

  • 2023 Projected: 2.20%
  • 2023 Actual: 6.49%

Lender Renewal Interest Cost:

  • 2023 Projected: $63,671
  • 2023 Actual: $105,410.53

Contact LifePro Today!

If you are looking for a partner who cares about your clients as much as you do, please reach out to LifePro Financial Services at 888-543-3776. We are a premier IMO located in San Diego, CA that has been in business since 1986 and was originally founded by Bill Zimmerman.

Our focus is getting advisors in front of the right prospects through our proprietary digital marketing systems while offering industry best-case design and reporting, professional back-office support, and competitive compensation with incentives.

This material is intended for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as the basis for any purchasing decision. Guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. The hypothetical example is shown for illustrative purposes only and is not guaranteed. The characters in this example are fictional only. Your actual experience will vary. Policy loans and withdrawals will reduce available cash values and death benefits and may cause the policy to lapse or affect any guarantees against lapse. Remember to consider your client's individual circumstances and objectives when discussing their specific situation. Additional premium payments may be required to keep the policy in force. In the event of a lapse, outstanding policy loans in excess of the unrecovered cost basis will be subject to ordinary income tax. Withdrawals are generally income tax-free unless the withdrawal amount exceeds the amount of premium paid. Tax laws are subject to change. Clients should consult their tax professionals. Investment advisory and financial planning services are offered through LifePro Asset Management, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Investments involve risk.

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Episode #287: Underwriting Preparation for a College Planning Case


It's vital to get your ducks in a row if you want to get the most out of your college planning case. From phone interviews to obtaining necessary documents and even reviewing and updating any financial changes, many elements of underwriting that could slow down your process or negatively impact the amount of aid available to you and your family.

Planning an academic future means planning a path to success. If you want to make sure that path has the least amount of avoidable obstacles, it's crucial to understand the underwriting process of a college planning case and your role in it to avoid those speed bumps and maximize your success.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Gabe breaks down the underwriting process and emphasizes the importance of keeping your college planner up to date with any changes.

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Buy, Borrow, Die: This is How the Rich Avoid Taxes

Don't Buy (Or Offer) an IUL Until You Read This

As professional financial advisors, you may have noticed the influx of great articles regarding the Buy, Borrow, Die strategy that advocates for its ability to reduce taxes and maximize wealth. Unfortunately, these articles also position this strategy as something exclusively available to the rich. Further, some even go as far as explicitly associating this strategy with the ultra-wealthy, such as Elon Musk, that use Buy, Borrow, Die as a loophole to strategically avoid paying taxes on their appreciating assets.

The good news is we know Buy, Borrow, Die isn’t only available for the ultra-rich.

This strategy is widely available through the ability to buy max-funded Indexed Universal Life policies, borrow via tax-free participating loans, and die with an income tax-free death benefit. Clients who follow this strategy can significantly reduce taxes on growth, access, and transfer while also increasing personal and transferred wealth.

One wrinkle to the Buy, Borrow, Die concept with IUL is to use the borrowed funds to purchase appreciating assets at a discount. We call this ‘buying the dip.’  Generally, the stock market experiences a bear environment every 4-5 years. While a bear market can be scary for those in the stock market without any dry powder or safe funds to rely on, it can also be a tremendous opportunity to buy high-quality assets while they are available at a lower cost.  The IUL fits into this strategy as loans can be wired to a bank account in as little as 3 business days and serve as a liquidity source or ‘dry powder’ to utilize when the market turns red.

To illustrate this, I included a sample of a 45-year-old funding $50k a year for 5 years into an IUL. Then in year 6, the sample borrows every 5 years to buy the dip, without ever paying any interest on the policy loans and instead letting them accrue. Ultimately, the death benefit collateralizes and pays off the outstanding loans upon death, while still providing an income tax-free death benefit behind. Additionally, the assets purchased receive a step up in basis at the current law, allowing the heirs to not pay any capital gains taxes on the stock appreciation at death. While I’m utilizing stocks in this scenario, the assets purchased could include real estate or any other appreciating asset per individual situation.

The bottom line is that this client was able to accumulate and transfer a significant amount of wealth without having to pay any taxes on growth, distribution, or transfer. I’ve included this example illustration below along with samples of the Wealth Report and InsMark Report as resources that demonstrate the accessibility of this strategy that could greatly benefit your clients. After viewing these reports, I highly encourage you to reach out to your Field Support Representative with any questions you might have about utilizing this strategy as a tool that could positively impact your client’s overall financial plan.

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Contact LifePro Today!

If you are looking for a partner who cares about your clients as much as you do, please reach out to LifePro Financial Services at 888-543-3776. We are a premier IMO located in San Diego, CA that has been in business since 1986 and was originally founded by William Zimmerman.

Our focus is getting advisors in front of the right prospects through our proprietary digital marketing systems while offering industry best-case design and reporting, professional back-office support, and competitive compensation with incentives.

This material is intended for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as the basis for any purchasing decision. Guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. The hypothetical example is shown for illustrative purposes only and is not guaranteed. The characters in this example are fictional only. Your actual experience will vary. Policy loans and withdrawals will reduce available cash values and death benefits and may cause the policy to lapse or affect any guarantees against lapse. Remember to consider your client's individual circumstances and objectives when discussing their specific situation. Additional premium payments may be required to keep the policy in force. In the event of a lapse, outstanding policy loans in excess of the unrecovered cost basis will be subject to ordinary income tax. Withdrawals are generally income tax-free unless the withdrawal amount exceeds the amount of premium paid. Tax laws are subject to change. Clients should consult their tax professionals. Investment advisory and financial planning services are offered through LifePro Asset Management, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Investments involve risk.

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Episode #286: Is Your Permanent Life Policy on Track?


Think about how different your first car was from the one you drive now. If you’re like most people, you start thinking about how outdated your first car was compared to what is in your driveway or the latest car on the market today. The car industry isn’t alone in all of the advances it has made.

The insurance industry has evolved also, and if you’re still driving your first policy around, you should take a deep look at what’s going on under the hood to ensure that everything is still working for you. After all, it’s much better to keep an eye on the service lights on the dash so you can make repairs rather than breaking down somewhere because you skipped some critical maintenance.

Taking your car to the mechanic for maintenance is like taking your life insurance policy to your financial advisor for assessment, and it’s important to know what exactly to look out for so you can keep an eye on the service lights of your financial vehicle. In this episode of Money Script Monday, Laurence provides four criteria to consider when evaluating the competence of your current life policy.

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Don't Buy (Or Offer) an IUL Until You Read This

Don't Buy (Or Offer) an IUL Until You Read This

In 2022, everything went wrong for investors. With inflation running at 40-year highs and the Fed raising interest rates at its fastest pace ever, the S&P 500 lost almost 20%, which was the worst performance since 2008 when it was down roughly 38%. Historically, bonds perform inversely to the stock market which helps absorb stock market losses in down years within a diversified portfolio.

However, even intermediate-term Treasury Bonds, long considered a safe haven, were down double digits at -10.6%. This was the biggest decline on record dating back to 1926. This prompted articles and debates on whether the long standing 60/40 portfolio was dead or if it is still viable.

While many investors suffered one of the worst loss years in recent memory, Indexed Universal Life sales set a new record last year in 2022 with a total of $2.7 billion in sales, up 10.9% from the previous year. The influx of sales could be attributed to many factors. For instance, investors and retirement savers may be looking for lower risk vehicles to build and distribute wealth. Or they may gravitate towards the potential tax savings IUL (Indexed Universal Life) provides on growth, access, and transfer. Maybe it’s due to the constant 24/7 marketing through social media channels. Nonetheless, IUL sales have continued their upward climb over the years and are no longer a ‘fad product’ in the life insurance marketplace.

When I obtained my life insurance license in 2006 there were mostly only off brand carriers offering IUL with the big players stating they would never get involved. Since then, most of those carriers, including just about all the big names excluding a few career shops, now offer IUL as part of their product portfolio.

So, what changed about IUL sales between the “wild, wild west” days of 2006, and where we are now?

Well, I vividly remember IUL illustrations with 10%+ illustrated rates and variable loan spreads at almost 5% with some carriers. With these assumptions you can make an inferior product not only illustrate well but look better on paper than just about any financial vehicle out there. Luckily for all parties involved, this is not the case anymore.

Since then, there have been 3 rounds of AG-49 attempting to curb illustration abuses and mischievous sales practices. But there is always room to grow, and we can still improve how we provide the proper information to the consumer so they can make an educated decision on if using an IUL to supplement retirement is beneficial for them. The purpose of this article is to examine the issues surrounding the use of an IUL as a retirement supplement, what alternatives are available, and if/when IUL should be considered.

Right Vehicle, Wrong Fit

When coaching clients and advisors, the first question I ask when considering an IUL is, “What is the life insurance need?” The industry focuses so heavily on building and accumulating cash value, while often losing sight of the fact that an IUL is a life insurance product at its core. Clients looking at an IUL policy as a retirement supplement must have some basic need for life insurance first. This could be protecting income while working, debt or mortgage protection or estate planning.

Far too many times I have seen advisors pitch IUL as an alternative to a 401k to clients who are not married, do not have kids, or do not own a home. I have also seen IUL policies put in force for clients who are severely health rated, which adds a significant amount of higher expenses to the policy and makes it much less suitable to use as a retirement supplement.

Additionally, IUL policy expenses are front loaded, making it a poor option for older clients looking for income in a handful of years or so.

Unfortunately, these advisors also fail to mention other tax-free options that may be a better fit, some of which I will expand upon later.

IUL should instead be offered to clients who are healthy, have higher income/net worth, have a need for life insurance, can fund premiums out of cash/bonds or cash flow for a minimum of 5, preferably 10, years, and have a longer time horizon.

Poor Design, Front Loaded Expenses

Assuming the client has the life insurance need, the next step is to ensure the IUL is structured correctly. Far too many times I see advisors ‘target fund’ accumulation IULs to increase their commission at the detriment of their client. You see, the front loaded “per thousand expenses” and surrender charges are based on the initial base death benefit purchased which in turn calculates the target premium (or commission). When using IUL as a retirement supplement it is imperative to structure the policy at maximum efficiency. This entails designing the IUL with the least amount of life insurance the IRS will allow, funding right up to the IRC guidelines, and managing face option switches or reductions when allowable.

Failure to do so can make the IUL one of the worst performing vehicles in a client’s retirement plan.

Designing an IUL at maximum efficiency does not give it an automatic pass as a viable option for a client to consider. Policy expenses from carrier to carrier vary wildly with some carriers offering lower expenses while others are significantly higher. To demonstrate this, I ran illustrations through two different insurance companies offering accumulation IUL with the same client inputs. For this example, I used a 45-year-old male, preferred nontobacco health, $50,000 annual premiums for 10 years, minimum increasing death benefit, switch to level in year 11 with a reduction to the minimum face amount.

  • Carrier A had cumulative expenses through age 85 of $125,028.
  • Carrier B had cumulative expenses through age 85 of $582,820, over 4x higher internal expenses for the same exact scenario.
  • While Carrier B did have other ‘features’ that Carrier A did not have, the fact remains if the underlying index does not perform as illustrated the carrier with the higher fee drag loses.

The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 did provide some relief to IUL expenses by reducing the minimum IRS death benefit required per the level of premium funding. Nonetheless, IUL fees in general are front loaded with both low cost and higher cost carriers. Due to these front-loaded expenses, an IUL purchaser may not even break even on a surrender value (walk away) basis until after policy year 7 or longer, even with a maximum efficient design and lower expense IUL.

IUL Swiss Army Knife, No Alternatives Given

In addition to the IUL design itself, it is essential the IUL is built within a comprehensive, holistic financial plan, instead of looking at the IUL in a vacuum. Recently, I have watched far too many cringy IUL pitches on TikTok or YouTube. These ‘internet famous’ social media advisors seem to focus less on reliable and accurate content but more on sensationalism, views, and likes. I recently watched an advisor call an IUL policy a ‘501k’ in a blatant attempt to misrepresent the product and make it sound like a government approved retirement plan.

Wild claims I’ve seen include: IUL policies will average double-digit returns without any loss or risk, IULs are far better than your 401k, even if you’re getting a match, IULs were previously secrets that only the wealthy were able to obtain, but now available to everyday folks like you and I, IULs will easily beat the stock market in the long run, ditch the old “never put your eggs in one basket” approach and instead put all your eggs in an IUL. The list unfortunately goes on.

The commonality in all these compliance departments’ nightmare sales pitches is the sentiment that the IUL is the ‘magic pill’ that will take you from not having money to a wealthy multimillionaire retired on a yacht that is anchored on your own private island.

But an IUL is not a get-rich quick scheme and should not be portrayed as such.

Also, IUL should never be viewed as an ‘instead of’ vehicle. It should be correctly viewed as an ‘addition to’ vehicle.

Clients seeking tax diversification from taxable and tax-deferred vehicles should instead look at all the tax-free options available to them. Rather than putting all their eggs in an IUL, clients should instead consider Roth IRAs, Backdoor Roth IRAs, Roth 401ks, Roth IRA conversions, and an IUL for the right situation.

For example, if a married couple is younger than 50 and under the Roth IRA income phase out limit, they can contribute a total of $13,000 a year to Roth IRAs. Assuming both spouses also have Roth 401ks at their employers they can contribute another $45,000 between the two. That is $58,000 annually this hypothetical couple can stock away into tax-free vehicles. Additionally, they may have a down income year for any given reason, which could open the opportunity for Roth IRA conversions if they have enough cash or cash flow to pay the taxes.

For higher income or net worth clients who have maxed out the above tax-free sources, the IUL provides that ‘next best’ alternative for tax-free planning. Of course, assuming the IUL is set up with a highly rated carrier who has a strong track record of renewal rate integrity, done so for the right person, and designed correctly with a lower expense carrier.

Under Promise, Over Deliver

Lastly, something we have not yet touched is the idea to ‘under promise and over deliver.’ The current NAIC illustration model projects IUL values and loan arbitrage with constant and level returns. The reality is clients will get 0% returns in bad years, causing their cash value to go backwards if they do not pay premiums. Or they may get potentially double-digit returns in good years. And of course, everything in between.

Rather than illustrating the maximum client benefits that the insurance carrier software can provide, we instead recommend dialing down the assumptions. This could be through reducing the illustrated rate, reducing the illustrated income or a combination of the two.

While this may make your IUL illustration less competitive when compared to other advisor ran projections, remember it is NOT ABOUT THE ILLUSTRATION. Instead, it is more about creating realistic expectations with the potential to exceed them in the long run.

While we can’t guarantee performance, one thing I can guarantee is you will actually make more sales, have more satisfied clients, and get more referrals if you under promise and over deliver.


With the rockiness we have seen in the stock market, the potential for an upcoming recession, the national debt crisis, and the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act sunsetting in 2026, IUL is positioned well for a continued rise in sales. My word of caution, however, is to make sure we continue to build the IUL industry the right way. This involves using IUL the right way for the right person. That includes selecting an appropriate IUL carrier emphasizing actual client performance and policy expenses, utilizing IUL as a part of a complete and holistic financial plan involving other tax-free vehicles, and providing realistic expectations and a clear explanation of benefits.

Contact LifePro Today!

If you are looking for a partner who cares about your clients as much as you do, please reach out to LifePro Financial Services at 888-543-3776. We are a premier IMO located in San Diego, CA that has been in business since 1986 and originally founded by William Zimmerman.

Our focus is getting advisors in front of the right prospects through our proprietary digital marketing systems while offering industry best-case design and reporting, professional back-office support, and competitive compensation with incentives.

This material is intended for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as the basis for any purchasing decision. Guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. The hypothetical example is shown for illustrative purposes only and is not guaranteed. The characters in this example are fictional only. Your actual experience will vary. Policy loans and withdrawals will reduce available cash values and death benefits and may cause the policy to lapse or affect any guarantees against lapse. Remember to consider your client's individual circumstances and objectives when discussing their specific situation. Additional premium payments may be required to keep the policy in force. In the event of a lapse, outstanding policy loans in excess of unrecovered cost basis will be subject to ordinary income tax. Withdrawals are generally income tax-free, unless the withdrawal amount exceeds the amount of premium paid. Tax laws are subject to change. Clients should consult their tax professional. Investment advisory and financial planning services offered through LifePro Asset Management, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Investments involve risk.

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Episode #285: Spender, Saver, and Wealth Creator


Everyone’s financial journey has to start somewhere before reaching their financial goals. While these goals vary from case to case, there are three different approaches or mindsets which a person aligns with while progressing toward that financial goal. However, people typically only consider two of the three approaches to financial planning; the spender and the saver. The overlooked approach of the wealth creator is critical to those whose financial goals involve a higher level of financial independence, freedom, and growth.

If a spender's approach to finances entails living off of credit and consistently being in debt, then the saver stays on the zero line since they save and spend the same amount for capital purchases. The spender exists in a state of debt, and the saver narrowly avoids it by breaking even. On the other hand, the wealth creator exists above zero and gradually increases away from it by strategically utilizing advantageous financial vehicles to achieve their goals.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Sal highlights the overlooked wealth creator approach to finances that actively works towards growth accumulation rather than debt avoidance.

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Episode #284: Is it Time to Upgrade Your Variable Annuity Policy?


In the world of finance, especially in light of market downturns or crashes, you may notice the phrases “flight to safety” or “flight to quality” being used more frequently. But what does it mean, and when do financial professionals advise and encourage clients to board that plane?

The “flight to safety” refers to the movement of capital from riskier investments to safer investment alternatives during times of market volatility or economic uncertainty. One method that aligns with this strategy is exchanging a variable annuity policy for a fixed indexed annuity policy to accomplish the same goal of wealth generation and lifetime income but without the risk of capital loss.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Kyle calls attention to a tremendous opportunity for variable annuity policy owners who are looking to maximize long-term income.

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