Case Design

Conservative Designs Built for Longevity

uncover massive sales opportunities and illustrate advanced concepts in a simplified manner

Life Insurance and Annuity Case Designs, LifePro

Your most valuable asset when it comes to your profession is time. The more time you are in your office working on cases, the less time you are servicing your clients. And we all know what that means: less sales and less profit. 

The effort of designing a case can become very time-consuming. We alleviate that burden with our in-house case design division. 

With expertise in retirement planning, estate planning, business succession, college planning and much more, they have come across every case design situation. Using conservative principles built for longevity, every case designed is constructed with the client's best interest in mind. Always.

When you submit a case, know that the team has received your request and will begin to craft the most thorough illustration that takes all scenarios into account. You'll quickly receive the illustration within 24-48 hours. And more often than not, the team will discover additional sales opportunities that you otherwise may not have noticed. Such as, old policies, 401(k) rollovers and money that they can reallocate without changing their lifestyle.

"Today I just submitted final paperwork for my largest case so far and I wanted to sincerely thank all of you for your past, present, and future support. It is a real pleasure working with all of you and I will continue to work hard to keep you busy."Ian M.California

But to design a case is just one thing. If the client is unable to comprehend a 36-page report that has been generated, the entire effort becomes meaningless. With licensed contracts from multiple partners such as InsMark and Spending Game, we generate supplemental reports that easily illustrate what the client is receiving. This approach will clearly assist you in communicating the complexities of life insurance and annuities. 

And within the cases designed, each piece can be branded for you and your company. This helps you achieve brand consistency and enhance your recognition as well as gain the trust of the client because of your professionalism.

Highlights from the Case Design Division:

  Overview of Case Activity

  • 24-48 turnaround time
  • Average UL policy produced for elite advisors is $24,422
  • All illustrations accessible on MyLifePro

  VIP & Elite Advisor Rewards

  • Receive preferential treatment on all case requests
  • Same-day delivery of advanced case designs
  • 40% of all cases designed for VIP & Elite Advisors turn into policies
  • Regularly run illustrations for policies over $1 million in target premium 

  World-Class Reporting Systems

It's important for you to stay organized and measure the progress of each case that is designed. By doing so, you're able to improve your closing ratios and monitor cases that otherwise may have been neglected. You will receive:

  • Weekly emails of each case design
  • Summarized reports of case designs in the last 30 days
  • Easy access to review and analyze each illustration on MyLifePro

Click the button below to uncover additional sales opportunities within your case designs!
