The Modern Entrepreneur’s Playbook To Key Employee Retention

Your Comprehensive Guide to the DOL Fiduciary Rule Update

The arduous work and sweat equity of building a business from the ground up is something I learned to appreciate at an early age. I come from a family of entrepreneurs, and witnessing their challenges and triumphs fostered my admiration and respect for small business owners. My grandfather owned a Mercedes Benz repair shop in Los Angeles, and my uncle decided to open one in Las Vegas upon my grandfather’s passing. While my firsthand witnessing of their professional journeys played a role in developing my fascination with entrepreneurship, my father, Ross, had the greatest impact of all, and he set the standard of what it means to be a small business owner.

My father set these principles for me at the early age of ten when he started his trucking company, LFS, in 1999 which specialized in same-day freight delivery across California. Watching him navigate the highs of a prosperous, smooth-running business to the lows of the “.com” bubble and the real estate crisis in 2007 taught me invaluable lessons about resilience and the impact an employer can have on their employees’ lives. Challenging times revealed the most about my father’s character and, in turn, shaped my own.

The 2007-2008 financial crisis caused many hardships to sweep across the nation and presented my father with some of the most difficult decisions he ever had to make in his business—letting go of employees. These people stood by him, contributing to our family’s well-being and the company’s growth for years. He made it his mission to rebuild a thriving business, rehire those same employees he had to let go, and make sure they shared in the successes. I witnessed the impact on the lives of not just the employees but their families also. This experience left a lasting impression on me and offered an incredible lesson that entrepreneurs everywhere can benefit from in the ever-evolving business landscape. Companies that treat their key employees like family and help them achieve their goals will be the ones that attract and retain top talent.

In this article, I will reveal how business owners can take advantage of unique strategies within endorsement-based split-dollar plans and Kai-Zen leveraging to attract, obtain, and retain top talent for their business. After establishing how each of these strategies works and breaking down their main components, I’ll then demonstrate each strategy’s benefits to both the employee and the employer.

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Contact LifePro Today!

If you are looking for a partner who cares about your clients as much as you do, please reach out to LifePro Financial Services at 888-543-3776. We are a premier IMO located in San Diego, CA that has been in business since 1986 and was originally founded by Bill Zimmerman.

Our focus is getting advisors in front of the right prospects through our proprietary digital marketing systems while offering industry best-case design and reporting, professional back-office support, and competitive compensation with incentives.

This information does not substitute for legal guidance and is meant for educational purposes only. Guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. Remember to consider your client's individual circumstances and objectives when discussing their specific situation.LifePro is not a government entity and is not affiliated with the Department of Labor. Please note that the new Fiduciary Rules should be upheld in addition to the current laws and regulations that govern your profession.

About Luke Geller

Luke Geller is a Field Support Representative at LifePro. He coaches hundreds of financial professionals on how to build effective financial strategies that achieve their clients' long term goals and helps them stay educated on the latest industry trends.