Bend Don’t Break: Flexibility In Estate Planning With Index Universal Life Insurance

Your Comprehensive Guide to the DOL Fiduciary Rule Update

Greek philosopher Heraclitus famously captured the dynamic nature of life in his brilliant yet simple quote, “The only constant in life is change.” With the inevitable life changes we will all face, creating an estate plan to determine one’s future legacy can seem daunting, but that does not diminish the need for it.

At its core, estate planning is a vital aspect of financial management that ensures the smooth transition of wealth and assets to future generations. Proper estate planning must consider these inevitable changes, anticipate their impact, and incorporate adaptability to successfully achieve the intended goals.

Individuals can address various objectives such as minimizing taxes, protecting assets, and ensuring the smooth transfer of wealth to intended beneficiaries by incorporating flexible strategies. This article emphasizes the importance of incorporating flexibility into estate plans by exemplifying its necessity within the context of changing tax laws, family dynamics, and individual needs. Additionally, I will provide a solution to this overlooked problem by examining how index universal life insurance (IUL) can provide the necessary flexibility to navigate these uncertainties effectively.

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If you are looking for a partner who cares about your clients as much as you do, please reach out to LifePro Financial Services at 888-543-3776. We are a premier IMO located in San Diego, CA that has been in business since 1986 and was originally founded by Bill Zimmerman.

Our focus is getting advisors in front of the right prospects through our proprietary digital marketing systems while offering industry best-case design and reporting, professional back-office support, and competitive compensation with incentives.

This information does not substitute for legal guidance and is meant for educational purposes only. Guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. Remember to consider your client's individual circumstances and objectives when discussing their specific situation. LifePro is not a government entity and is not affiliated with the Department of Labor. Please note that the new Fiduciary Rules should be upheld in addition to the current laws and regulations that govern your profession.

About Sean Brady

Sean Brady is an Advanced Case Designer at LifePro. He works with financial professionals designing advanced case illustrations that are built for longevity and are always in the best interest of the client.